Thursday, July 14, 2016

Library Innovation

I returned last weekend from WyTECC an ed tech conference here in Wyoming that gave me such a new perspective on what a school library should and could be. So I came home and scheduled a meeting with my superintendent who is also just finishing up his first year. With a few days to prepare I began this class  and was able to take it to him where we discussed his vision for our libraries. We were not 100% in sync but we can still be innovative and moving into the right direction. 
I have always felt that students should be active participants in their education since I began but coming from a school/district where students expectations are to do as they are told, I know that for myself and my superintendent as well it will be a huge paradigm shift for both our students and teachers.As I spend this summer looking at curriculum and how to develop a curriculum that benefits my students as well as give me the continued opportunity to grow as a teacher/librarian. In reading Pure Genius a book by Don Wettrick he shared what his dad a retiring educator said to him at the beginning of his teaching career. "I don't care if you teach for the next twenty years,  just don't teach one year twenty times." In other words you can teach for twenty years; just don't do the same thing for twenty years..

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